The new team put a lot of effort and love into the recent renovation of the hotel.
The entire exterior (pool & garden), the kitchen, bar and restaurant have been rearranged and the rooms got a modern "facelift"." However the hotel will stay small, cosy and familiar", according to the new tenant and general manager, Nico Hüttman.
Sven, Udo and Alex, the previous team of the restaurant "La Farola del Mar", are taking care of the gastronomic part. They spoil the hotel guests, but also customers from outside the hotel, with their local and international creations. Each Wednesday there is a theme evening with specialities like paella, tapas, BBQ, etc.
Another main topic is the re-activation of the scuba diving activities with a new concept: LCD (Low-Cost-Diving), where the objective is to show to divers that serious and competent monitoring, and the use of solid and reliable equipment doesn't have to be expensive. Special "Hotel & Dive" packages are being offered all year round.