Weather forecast for Fuerteventura - 4 days preview.
The weather on Fuerteventura has no high peaks and deep slopes like at home. On the contrary, the weather on Fuerteventura shows temperatures in the shade of 15ºC to 30ºC. When it gets windy, the temperatures can be a little lower. We have weather forecasts for Corralejo, Puerto del Rosario, Costa Calma and Morro Jable.

The weather in summer:
Summers are generally dry, sunny - and windy. The prevailing N/NE wind keeps us cool and is most appreciated by water sports enthusiasts such as windsurfers, surfers and kiters. Sun worshippers also appreciate these winds, even if some of them are deceived by their cooling effect and appear in tomato red for dinner at their hotel. Sun cream (min. factor 30) at any time!!!!!

The weather in winter:
The last few years have brought us some thunderstorms and heavy rainfall, but the general weather conditions are still good to enjoy the beaches and surfing. The weather in winter allows imm

Please check the current local weather conditions and the 4-day weather forecast below. They include cloud cover, temperature, wind direction, wind speed and precipitation probability.

Enjoy your holiday on Fuerteventura!