Extreme Animals - Goat Skeleton Logo on Fashion and Gift Articles - an original present from Fuerteventura.
"Extreme Animals" was founded in 1998 and is the Brand for Sport Enthusiastics, inspired by the idea to create a unique look, combined with an extraordinary logo (our Goat Skeleton).
The Company's self-designed motives cover most of the Fun-Sport Activities on "the Canary Islands, Fuerteventura" such as Surfing, Beach Volleyball, Biking, Climbing, Sunset Parties, and much more…..
The Company's self-designed motives cover most of the Fun-Sport Activities on "the Canary Islands, Fuerteventura" such as Surfing, Beach Volleyball, Biking, Climbing, Sunset Parties, and much more…..
"Our Friends" & License Partners from "IGUANA LIFEWEAR" ™ support us to offer our individual Island-Flair-Products worldwide to the locations of Fun-Sport.
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